7 Ways to Take Care of Your Gum

By Advanced Family Dentistry
January 24, 2018

Why is it necessary to take care of your gum? If you think that having the pearly white smile with straight teeth are all you need to have then this thought needs refurbishment, as healthy gum is the key for healthy teeth.

Gum diseases can pop up at any time. The pain isn’t pleasant at all. If your teeth are affected by gum, it will slowly start to hurt your gum, which will finally lead to gingivitis and many signs of:

  • Tender
  • Swollen
  • Prone to bleeding
  • Redness

The final stage of gum disease is periodontists, where fibers and bones around the teeth are damaged, can affect your bite, and need to be removed.

Ways to keep your gum healthy:


Floss at least once a day, because if you don’t floss, you miss cleaning 35% of the tooth surface. Make sure you don’t skip out this.

Regular dental cleaning:

The dentist can detect your gum diseases on a regular basis. Apart from cleaning every day in your home, make sure that you undergo a professional cleaning at least once every few months. This will help to remove tartar.

Do not smoke:

Smoking is associated with gum disease; not only will it weaken your gum, but at the same time, it will start to weaken your immune system, so they cannot fight your gum disease.

Try to brush after every meal.

Brush your teeth after every meal; this will clean up all the food debris and will not leave any bacteria to thrive on it. Brushing twice a day will not allow the formation of plague, and thereby gum diseases will remain redundant.

Use fluoride toothpaste.

Make sure that your toothpaste contains a small amount of fluoride. This will not only curb gingivitis but, at the same time, freshen your breath.

Swirl your mouth with therapeutic mouthwash:

This will not only help to reduce plague, but by doing this, you can prevent the growth of additional germs in your mouth.

Get a regular dental checkup:

If you think that maintaining your oral health at home can cure your entire gum problem, then you are wrong. Visiting a dentist is necessary because a dentist can only well understand any problem before it gets serious.

If you miss out on the above steps, then you may develop certain gum diseases, like:

  • Bad breath, which will linger
  • The gum can easily start to bleed
  • Separating or losing a permanent tooth

Besides the above steps, schedule an appointment with us so Dr. Praveena Bhat can professionally diagnose any little problem that they are having. Contact us now @603-821-9046.