When Are Dental Crowns Necessary?

By Advanced Family Dentistry
November 11, 2022

Dental crowns are an effective procedure that helps you restore your tooth. Once your teeth are severely damaged or discolored, dental crowns fix them. Once your tooth is fixed, they are given crown caps to restore its appearance and function. Suppose you have a weak tooth from decay; dental crowns prevent them from breaking and hold them together. However, in some scenarios, it’s better to extract the tooth, but in minor situations, a dental crown helps largely. So, let’s see when it’s necessary to get a dental crown to restore your teeth and oral health.  

When Are Dental Crowns Necessary?

To Restore A Badly Decayed Tooth

Dental crowns are a good solution for you if you have tooth decay. In general dental crowns are caps that are placed on damaged teeth. It protects, covers, and restores the shape of your teeth when dental fillings no longer help you out. Although dental crowns don’t last forever, they help you deal with tooth problems. On the contrary, dental fillings often compromise your tooth structure, affecting your facial appearance. You don’t want that, right? So get dental crowns and restore your badly decayed tooth. 

To Replace A Large Worn-Out/Damaged Filling

Sometimes even dental filling needs replacement, and dental crowns are a good option. It’s because dental crowns are capable of providing better protection in comparison to dental fillings. This helps in preventing cracks and other complications. 

To Repair A Cracked, Chipped, Or Broken Tooth

Dental crowns are considered helpful in covering the entire affected portion. They’re a convenient solution responsible for treating broken teeth. So if you have a cracked or chipped tooth, crowns protect them way better than fillings, as they don’t last forever. 

To Protect A Tooth After A Root Canal

After getting a root canal procedure, most dentists suggest getting a dental crown. Dental crowns provide extra protection for a damaged tooth after it has been sealed or filled. It further helps in maintaining the structural integrity of your tooth that has been weakened. 

To Cover Up A Tooth For Cosmetic Purposes

Sometimes people use dental crowns for cosmetic purposes. It gives you a more attractive and noticeable smile. Suppose you have a misshapen or severely stained tooth- you can hide them with the help of a dental crown, especially when dental veneers or bonding don’t work. 

Benefits Of Dental Crowns 

  • Dental crowns efficiently hold damaged and cracked teeth together. 
  • If you have worn our dental fillings, then dental crowns are considered to be effective. 
  • In case of fractured or cracked teeth, dental crow helps restore your teeth effectively. 
  • Dental crowns improve the overall appearance of your teeth if you have discolored or mild alignment issues. 

The Bottom Line 

Now that you know about dental crowns, you can very well understand When Are Dental Crowns Necessary. A dental crown is the best solution if you have a weak or cracked tooth and are taking away your peace. However, to get dental crowns, you must visit your dentist for expert guidance on restoring them effectively. They will be able to evaluate your tooth condition and further suggest if you need a dental crown. Overall, it’s essential to identify early signs of cracked or weak teeth so that it does not lead to fatal consequences. 

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