What is CAD/CAM Dentistry?

By Advanced Family Dentistry
August 18, 2021

CAD/CAM technology aids the dental team in the fabrication of exact forms and sizes for dental restorations such as inlays, onlays, crowns, and bridges. This technique provides patients with more efficient single and multiple tooth restorations that are durable, aesthetic, and well-fitted. Tooth preparation is the initial stage in employing CAD/CAM technology. Following that, a digital imprint is taken, which communicates the precise measurements of the prepared tooth to a computer. Following that, the computer software generates a virtual restorative replacement portion for the tooth’s missing regions. The virtual repair data is then sent to the milling machine, where the new component is carved out of a solid block of ceramic or composite resin. The restoration is cemented or bonded into place in the patient’s mouth after it has been adjusted.

Understanding the CAD/CAM Process and Digital Dentistry

CAD/CAM dentistry refers to the software that allows dental practitioners to accomplish complicated restorations more quickly, effectively, and sometimes more precisely. Both dental offices and laboratories utilise CAD/CAM technology to create high-strength ceramic restorations such as crowns, inlays, onlays, veneers, bridges, dentures, and implant-supported restorations. Here’s what to expect from a CAD/CAM restoration technique.

  • Tooth Preparation: Your dentist will prepare the location for your repair by removing any rotting or structurally unstable tooth parts.
  • Intraoral Scanning:  Following that, an optical scanner will digitally capture the tooth preparation and adjacent teeth to generate a 3D unique picture.
  • Design for Restoration:  The dental expert will utilise the 3D scans to create the final restoration using CAD software.
  • Milling:  The design is then transferred to a milling machine, which forms the crown, veneer, inlay, onlay, or bridge from a single block of ceramic.
  • Sintering and polishing: are terms used to describe the processes of sintering and polishing Before being polished, the repair is dyed or coated to appear more natural.
  • Cementation: Finally, the restoration is securely affixed to your teeth to complete your smile.
  • Single-Visit Treatments: Depending on the complexity of the case, this process might take anywhere from 45 minutes to two hours. CAD/CAM, on the other hand, needs less time and effort than traditional laboratory procedures.

The Advantages of CAD/CAM in Dentistry

Not only do dental professionals profit from the usage of CAD/CAM technology, but so do patients. Some of the main benefits are as follows:

  • Dentist or prosthodontist would prepare your tooth, take an impression, and send the impression to a lab to construct the final restoration. With CAD/CAM technology, the dental practitioner may sometimes finish all of these stages in a single visit, causing fewer interruptions in your schedule.
  • Digital Impression If you’ve ever had a traditional impression, you’ll realise the advantages of a digital system right away. The conventional technique involves the patient inserting a tray containing a thick, sticky material called alginate in their mouth and holding it there for two to five minutes until the material hardens. A scanner containing digital imprints is inserted in the patient’s mouth and manoeuvred around the afflicted area like a magic wand.
  • Cost-effectiveness CAD/CAM technology reduces numerous outsourced expenses for your dentist, and these savings may be passed on to the patient. Make sure to inquire about your alternatives as well as the related fees.

We hope this blog has enlightened you with information regarding CAD/CAM Dentistry. So, if you’re searching for the best CAD/CAM dentistry service in Nashua, NH, visit Advanced Family Dentistry. Keep in mind that not every tooth can be treated with CAD/CAM dentistry, so consult with our dental professionals about your best choices.