Baby Bottle Tooth Decay: Definition, Causes, Tips To Prevent

By Advanced Family Dentistry
March 14, 2022

Do you know what baby bottle tooth decay is? It is quite common among infants and demands prompt medical intervention. In the long run, it could lead to plenty of dental health issues. This blog contains all of the information on baby bottle tooth decay provided by our pediatric dentists at Advanced Family Dentistry Of Nashua.

What Is Baby Bottle Tooth Decay?

Even if they are only temporary, your child’s baby teeth are important, and they are still susceptible to cavities. Early Childhood Caries, often known as Baby Bottle Tooth Decay, is a term for tooth decay in newborns and babies. To chew food, speak correctly, and smile pleasantly, children need strong, healthy teeth. Their baby teeth help in the appropriate eruption of their adult teeth as well. To protect their teeth for many years, it’s critical to start basic oral hygiene with infants. Speak with your Nashua dentist for more information on this.

What Are The Reasons Behind Baby Bottle Tooth Decay?

  • Tooth decay can be brought on by several things. Regularly exposing the baby’s teeth to sugary liquids for a longer length of time is a typical reason. Tooth decay can occur when a bottle is used as a pacifier for a cranky baby or when the baby is put to bed with a bottle.
  • Cavity-causing microorganisms can be passed on from the mother (or primary caregiver) to the child, causing tooth decay. Saliva can act as a vehicle for bacteria to transfer from one person to the next. Bacteria may be transferred to the infant when a mother puts the baby’s feeding spoon in her mouth or cleans a pacifier in her mouth.
  • If your baby or toddler doesn’t get enough fluoride, tooth decay is more likely to occur. The good news is that deterioration can be avoided. Consult your pediatric dentist in Nashua for more information on fluoride.

Tips To Prevent Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

Your favorite Nashua dentist has given you some advice on how to keep your child’s teeth healthy.

  • It is not a good idea to share saliva with the newborn by using conventional feeding spoons or licking pacifiers. After each meal, wipe your child’s gums with a clean, damp gauze pad or washcloth.
  • Brush your child’s teeth gently till he or she is three years old with a kid toothbrush and a dab of fluoride toothpaste.
  • Between the age of 3 to 6, kids should brush their teeth using a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste
  • Brushing should be done under supervision until your child can be trusted to spit out the toothpaste and not swallow it, which is usually not before the age of 6 or 7.
  • Only formula milk or breast milk should be used in bottles. It is not a good idea to fill the bottle with liquids such as sugar water, juice, or soft drinks.
  • Babies should drink their bedtime and naptime bottles before going to bed.
  • If your child uses a pacifier, make sure it’s clean and not soaked in sugar or honey.
  • Encourage your child to drink from a cup by the time he or she turns one.
  • Encourage your child to eat a nutritious diet.


We hope this blog has helped you to learn more about baby bottle tooth decay. Book an appointment with us at Advanced Family Dentistry Of Nashua for the best pediatric dental services in Nashua, NH.